Hybrid Energy Systems

We built a device via a total system solution that captures the abundant free Solar and Wind power provided by nature. Our solution complements Solar since Wind picks up at Night when there is no Sun and provides power augmentation. This also significantly improves the capacity factor of the Solar Only solution. Thus making it a viable off grid substitution. We also enhance the Wind Power generation by Channeling and accelerating low velocity wind using a chamber - US Patent 8814493. Option to store the excess power in a Battery or Connect to Grid

Advantages of West Wind Power’s wind mills:

  • Can be used in low wind velocity areas
  • Pay back time is considerably lower than conventional wind power systems.
  • It can be used for Off Grid or On Grid Solutions
  • Because of the lightweight -cPVC and sleek compact design, it is very easy to install
  • The design is compact and well balanced, thus reducing noise level by several decibels and is aesthetic.
  • The design is environmentally friendly as it does not harm any birds or bats. Advantages of the Hybrid West Wind Power Wind Mill
  • With our patented design for wind mill, we can generate power at even 6 to 8 miles per hour and these winds are usually at heights of 20 to 50 feet.
  • We also incorporate solar so when the wind dies down, the solar picks up – A hybrid Design
  • We increase the wind speed with our patented wind channeling contraption by a factor of 2.
  • Our TCO is lower over a 20 year period compared to large wind farms or solar farms.
  • We use two turbines in one unit – producing 40% more power from the same wind.


2M Intake Hybrid Wind and Solar System

Contact Information

5700 Poplar Level Road, Louisville KY 40228
Email us at: wkomp@westwindpower.com - Sales
sunny@westwindpower.com - Marketing
wkomp@westwindpower.com - US Sales and General Inquiries

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