Humanitarian Effort

West Wind Power is committed to the mission that a simple, innovative renewable energy system can meet electricity demand across the world every hour of every day, year-round.

Power generation is a leading cause of air pollution and the single largest source of U.S. global warming emissions. Coal is the worst offender, a dirty energy source that produces less than half our electricity but nearly 80 percent of all power plant carbon emissions. The good news is that coal is on the decline. Many old and inefficient coal plants are closing down and essentially no new coal plants are being built in the U.S., a trend that is driving the largest transformation of the U.S. electricity system in half a century.

West Wind Power has come up with a better, cleaner way to meet our energy needs. Renewable energy resources like wind and solar power generate electricity with little or no pollution and global warming emissions—and could reliably and affordably provide up to 40 percent of U.S. electricity by 2030, and 80 percent by 2050.

Take for example, India. There are over 100 million Indian farmers who can use these devices for pumping water for their irrigation purposes. Furthermore, 400 million roof top devices for villages and cities for reliable power are urgently needed where excess power can also be fed to the grid system. This is the need in Africa, Latin America and other Asian countries.

We feel by providing a low cost energy system to the world we want to provide substantial benefits for our climate, our health, and our economy. Our systems dramatically reduces global warming emissions, improves public health, and provides jobs and other economic benefits. And since our systems don’t require water, they dramatically reduce the water requirements for power production compared to fossil-fueled power plants.

To create a cleaner, safer, and healthier energy future,is our vision. We at West Wind Power will give away one system free to a poor farmer in third world country to every 100 systems we sell.


2M Intake Hybrid Wind and Solar System

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